Research Article
Studies on the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Biodiversity in the Plant Species of River Bhavani and Its Embankments, Mettuppalyam Taluk, Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu
Shyam Praveen R1*, Swapna Sebastian1, Sneha Sebastian1, Santosh Kumar K1 and Muthuraj Kaliyappan2
1Department of Botany, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, India
2Department of Chemistry, Nirmala college, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India
2Department of Chemistry, Nirmala college, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India
*Corresponding author: Shyam Praveen R, Department of Botany, Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore, India. E-mail id:
Copyright: © Shyam Praveen R, et al. 2024. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Article Information:Submission: 25/06/2024; Accepted: 15/07/2024; Published: 20/07/2024
Most agricultural crop roots and soils host arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which are obligate symbionts. These fungi play a crucial role in the survival and fitness of various plant taxa across different ecosystems. Tropical forests, which host the greatest diversity of mycoheterotrophs, have AM symbiosis present in about 70% of all plant species. This study aimed to isolate and identify AMF from rhizosphere soil samples collected from plant species
along the Bhavani River in Coimbatore district, India, and assess AM fungal infection in plant roots. We found that Thespesia populnea exhibited the highest AM fungal infection rate (58%), whereas Ipomea pestil pesticides the showed the lowest (16%). Additionally, Colocasia sp. had the lowest spore population (121/100g of soil), while Cassia tora had the highest (578/100g of soil). These findings underscore the diversity and ecological significance of AM fungi in
this region, highlighting their role in plant health and ecosystem dynamics.
Keywords:Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi; Symbiosis; Fungal Infection; Glomussps
The development and maintenance of terrestrial ecosystems’
structure and diversity, as well as the evolution of plants on Earth,
have been profoundly influenced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
(AMF) [1]. Mycorrhizas are indispensable for the survival of the
majority of plants, especially in unstable and stressful environments
[2]. AM fungi colonize the root cortex, forming intercellular
hyphae and arbuscules, which are intracellular hyphae with
numerous branches [3,4]. They notably enhance nutrient uptake,
particularly phosphorus, thereby promoting plant growth. In natural
ecosystems and typical cropping systems, mycorrhizal associations,
predominantly arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), are ubiquitous [5-7].
AM symbioses play crucial roles in nutrient cycling in ecosystems [8]
facilitating water-stable aggregate formation with other soil organisms
[7]. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi contribute significantly to soil
communities, utilizing extensive hyphal networks to access nutrients
such as phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, water, and microelements
from soil regions inaccessible to plant roots [9,10].In highly stressed
environments, AMF play pivotal ecological roles [11] .Given that
95%of all plant species depend on mycorrhizae for survival, these
fungi are considered essential components of plant health [12]. India
boasts diverse ecoregions and natural ecosystems, emphasizing the
need to elucidate seasonal AM fungal diversity to comprehend plant fungus
ecological interactions and their role in ecosystem dynamics.
The rhizosphere, critical for plant-soil interactions, forms through
the stimulation of natural microbial populations around plant roots.
The rhizosphere, created by the stimulation of natural microbial
populations around plant roots, is a critical concept in understanding
plant-soil interactions. AM fungi are crucial for the survival and
fitness of many plant taxa across diverse ecosystems, including
agricultural crops. AM fungi are crucial for the survival and fitness
of many plant taxa across diverse ecosystems, including agricultural
Materials and Methods
Study Area and its Topography:
The study area is selected that the riverbank of Bhavani located
near Sirumugai, Mettupalayam Taluk, Coimbatore District. [Figure 1] (Plate -1).
It comprises two types of vegetation such as riparian
vegetation and dry vegetation. There are two types of soils present in
the hills they are clay sandy soil in the riparian vegetation and red
soil in dry vegetation. It receives an annual rainfall of 187 mm. The
maximum temperature occurred in the month of March 34.5°C and
lowest in 19.5°C [Table 1] in the month of January, The Nilgiri hills
are parted by the Bhavani River.Soil Sample Collection:
On the river bank of Bhavani, 25 different plant species from
18 different families were gathered in 2015. Plant species growing
Figure 1:Study Area. River Bhavani and Its Embankments, Mettuppalyam Taluk, Coimbatore trict, Tamilnadu.
along the Bhavani river and its embankments were observed, and soil
samples from the rhizosphere and their roots were taken. Immediately
following collection, the soil and root samples were brought to the
Estimation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization in Roots
Root Samples:
5to15cm long root samples were taken from the plant species
between 2015 and 2016. Care was taken during collection to identify
specific plants whose roots could be positively. attributed to a specific
plant species. The following manual was used for plant species
identification and nomenclature [13,14].Soil Samples:
After removing the top layer of soil and any litter covering, the
rhizosphere soil was dug up from each plant species to a depth of 10
cm. After being collected, these samples were placed in sterilized bags
and sent straight to the lab for analysis of the isolation of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungal spores.Sample Preservation:
Wet sieving was used in the lab to separate the roots from the
soil. When possible, the roots were processed immediately after being
washed with water. As mentioned by [16], the washed roots were
otherwise fixed in a formaldehyde-acetic acid-ethanol (FAA) solution
(90:5:5).The soil sample was dried by air and kept in a freezer until
processing.Each sample of soil was subjected to chemical analysis, spore
counts, Smithification into different types, and multiplication,
concentration, and separation of AM fungal spore for identification.
Preparation of Soil Samples for Analysis:
Each soil sample was spread out on a flat piece of wood or plastic,
and it was left to air dry in the shade. The removal of stones and
macro organic matter pieces. Large lumps were manually broken into
smaller pieces, and the soil was ground using a wooden roller. The
ground-up soil Was then screened through a 2mm sieve, with the fine
soil being used for further investigation.Soil pH:
With the aid of a pH meter (Elico),the pH of soil samples was
determined (soil-water suspensions 1:5).Evaluation of AM Infection:
Using a modified version of Phillips and Hayman’s (1970) [16]
method, the root samples were cleaned and stained in tryphan blue.
For about an hour, roots were heated at 900 C in 10% KOH after
being cut into one or two pieces. The time period was extended for
older, thicker roots. Following a water rinse, the root segments were
acidified with weak HCL. The root pieces were stained for 5 minutes
with 0.05% tryphan blue in lacto phenol, and any excess stain was
cleaned off with clear lacto phenol.The colored roots were heated for two hours at 90o C in 10% KOH,
washed with new 10% KOH, and then bleached for thirty minutes at
250 Cinan alkaline solution of H2O2. To remove the H2O2, they were
thoroughly rinsed with water. They were then acidified in diluted
HCL and stained as previously mentioned. In some instances, the
modified Merry weather and Fitter (1991) [17] method was used
instead, skipping the autoclaving and H2O2 bleaching steps. A few
times, intact, fresh, and unstained roots were directly observed [18]
(Arias et al., 1987).
The grid line-intersect method of Giovannetti and Mosse (1980)
[19] was used to measure the arbuscular mycorrhizal infection in the
roots. On a square Petridish made of plastic (10.2x 10 cm), the stained
root pieces were evenly distributed. On the dish’s bottom, a grid of
lines was drawn with 1-cm-squares as the unit of measurement.
Under a dissecting microscope, vertical and horizontal gridlines
were scanned, and at each point where the roots crossed a line, the
presence of infection was noted. Four sets of observations were made,
recording the intersections of the root gridlines at 100, 200, and 300.
A new reorganization of the same root sample served as the basis for
each of the three replicate records.
The percentage of AM infection was calculated using the formula:
Using Giovannetti and Mosse’s grid line-intersect method,
arbuscular mycorrhizal infection in the roots was evaluated. On a
square plastic Petridish(10.2x10cm),the stained root pieces were
evenly dispersed. On the dish’s bottom, a grid of lines was drawn with
1-inch-square markers. A dissecting microscope was used to scan
vertical and horizontal gridlines, and at each intersection point where
the roots crossed aline, the presence of infection was noted. The
intersections of the 100, 200, 300, and all root gridlines were recorded
during four sets of observations. On a brand-new reorganization of
the same root sample, each of the three replicate records was created.
Isolation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Spores from the Soil Samples:
Wet-sieving and decanting was used to extract spores from soil
samples [20]. Each soil sample contained 100g of soil, which was
combined with a 1:1 mixture of luke warm water in a big beaker until
all the aggregates were dispersed and the suspension was uniform.
The ability to settle heavier particles was granted. The suspension was
decanted through a 710-msieve to filter out roots and organic matter.
The suspension that had passed through a sieve of 710 mm was
successively decanted through sieves of 425 mm, 250 mm, 150 mm,
75 mm, and 45 mm. A dissecting microscope was used to look for AM
fungal spores in the residues in each sieve after they were collected in
petri dishes with about 10–20 ml of water.By counting the spores, the overall spore count was determined.
The spores were then divided and separated using a glass pipette. The
spores were sealed with DPX medium after being lacto phenol or
polyvinyl alcohol lacto phenol (PVL) mounted on clear glass slides.
Identification of AM Fungi:
The AM fungal spores were recognized based on microscopic
characteristics. [21,22] manual authors’ keys were used for
nomenclature and identification. Color, size, shape, surface, structure,
general nature of the spore contents, and hyphal attachment are used
for classification. A Magnus Olympus microscope was used to take
photomicrographs.Results and Discussion
In the current investigation, 25 plant species from 18 families
were observed to have arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal infection, and
the pH of the soil samples from the rhizosphere was also recorded
[Table 2]. The pH scaled from 4.5 to 8.4.
25 plant species from 18 different families were all carefully
inspected for AM fungal association. The plant species Cassia tora
Table 2:Isolation and identification of AM fungal species from the river bank of Bhavani, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu
Figure 2:Graphical representation of Temperature and Rainfall data of the study area river bank of Bhavani, Mettupalayam Taluk, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu.
(578/100g of soil), which is a member of the Caesal pinaceae family,had
the highest pore population, and Colachasiasp.(121/100gofsoil),
which is a member of the Aeraceae family, had the lowest. The spesia
populnea, a member of the Malvaceae family, had the highest rate of
AM fungal infection (58%) while Ipomea pestigridis, a member of the
convolvulaceae family, had the lowest rate (16%).
The species like Ludwigia parvifolora (19%) On agraceae,
Ipomea cordata (17%) Convolvulaceae showed 10 to 20% of AM
fungal infection. The other species like Adathoda vasica (23%)
Acanthaceae, Colachasia sp. (21%) Aeraceae, Crotalaria pallida
(24%) Papilionaceae, Eragrostis umiloides (26%) Poaceae, Justicia
betonica (22%) Acanthaceae, Ipomea cordata (17%) Convolvulaceae,
Portulaca tuberosa (21%) Portulacaceae, Heliotropium indicum
(20%) Boraginaceae, Justicia jendarussa (26%) Acanthaceae,
Plumbagoauriculata (24%) Plumbaginaceae, Tragiainvolucrata (26%)
Urticaceae, Jatropha curcus (27%) Euphorbiaceae, Spillanthescalva
(21%)belongs to Asteraceae showed 20% and less than 30% of AM
fungal infection.
The plant species like Ageratum conyzoides (31%) Asteraceae,
Boerhavia diffusa (42%) Nyctaginaceae, Cissus quadrangularis
(33%) Vitaceae, Zizyphus rugosa (35%) Rhamnaceae, Solanum
xanthocarpum (47%) and Solanum nigrum (33%) Solanaceae,
Phyllanthus amarus (33%) Euphorbiaceae, Sida rhombifolia (48%)
Malvaceae showed 30 and less than 50% of AM fungal infection. The
species like Cassia tora (53%) Caesalpinaceae showed 50 and less than
60% of AM fungal infection. In the present studies, the arbuscular
my corrhizal fungal spores observed in totally 25 plant Species of
rhizosphere soil samples belongs to18 plant families.Among the AM
fungal species Glomus is considered to be the most common. All the
plant species colonized by AM fungi. The plant species infected by
hyphae, vesicles and arbuscules. Some of the plant species infected
by only hyphal and vesicles. But all the species infected by hyphae.
In the present investigation, the Euphorbiaceae family member of
Pyllanthus amarus, Jatropha curcus and Ipomea pestigridis s were
infected by AM fungi. The same results was obtained by Pyrshangs
well [22] analysed the mycorrhizal association in some trees of northeastern
India. Majority of the plant species showed end omycorrhizal
association. In most of the plant species acorticalhyphae and vesicles
were observed in the roots of the same plant. Mycorrhizal association
occurred naturally with many important forest trees. The variation in
spore population and quantum of root colonization was recorded. This
fluctuation might be due to the influence of different environmental
factors on AM sporulation and infection. In the present investigation,
the rhizosphere soils of all the plants species contains different types
of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores.
Totally 15 arbuscular my corrhizal fungal species were isolated
and identified from the river Bhavani area’s rhizosphere soil samples.
The two species of Acaulospora, Aca. Appendicula, Aca. scorbuculicata
one species of Gigaspora, Gig. rosea, ten species of Glomus, Gl.
ambisporum, Gl. citricola, Gl. deserticola, Gl. dimorphicum,
ulatumandtwospeciesofScutellispora,Scu.nigra and Scu. gregaria were
recorded. The name of the species with species code are presented in
[Table 3].
Species Description
Table 3:AM fungal species in river bank of Bhavaniarea, Mettupalayam Taluk,
Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu.
Medicinal uses of plant species:
1) Adathoda vasica Nees.
Family: Acanthaceae
Common Name: Adathodai
1) Adathoda vasica Nees.
Family: Acanthaceae
Common Name: Adathodai
Description: White flowers with red or yellow bars on the thorax
are found on adense shrub with a foetid scent.
Uses: The leaves are used as an insecticide and in indigenous
medicine. Due to their pharmacological properties, the entire plant
as well as its root, leaves, bark, and flower are frequently used to
treat asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, and other respiratory
conditions. (Plate -2a).
2) AgeratumconyzoidesL.
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Appakotai, Pumppillu.
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Appakotai, Pumppillu.
Description: A weed that blooms annually and has ovate, crenatepetioled
leaves and black branches. The flowers are less than 6 mm
in size, pinkish, white, purple, or blue, with a fibrous root system all
around. It reaches a height of about 1m, has egg-shaped leaves, stems
covered in fine white hairs, and a height of 7.5 cm (Plate 6a).
Uses: In non-industrialized societies, herbs are almost always
used to treat illnesses.
3) Boerhavia diffusaL.
Family: Nyctaginaceae
Common name : Mukkarataikeerai
Family: Nyctaginaceae
Common name : Mukkarataikeerai
Description: A weed that blooms annually and has ovate, crenatepetioled
leaves and black branches. The flowers are less than 6mm
in size, pinkish, white, purple, or blue, with a fibrous root system all
around. It reaches a height of about 1m, has egg-shaped leaves, stems
covered in fine white hairs, and a height of 7.5 cm (Plate -6a).
Uses: In non-industrialized societies, herbs are almost always
used to treat illnesses.(Plate- 2b).
5) Cassia tora L.
Family : Ceasalpinaceae Common name : Tagarai
Family : Ceasalpinaceae Common name : Tagarai
Description: An annual weed that resembles a small shrub with
small yellow flowers and long, curved pods that contain rhombohedra
seeds that can be used to make blue dye.
Uses: Due to its dark color, cassia bark oil is very infrequently
added to perfume products. It is frequently employed in food as a
flooring agent. Like cinnamon, it is also used in the preparation of
pharmaceuticals (Plate -2c).
6) CissusquadrangularisL.
Family: Vitaceae
Common name: As this amharaka, Hadjod and Pirandai. Description: A very sprawling hrub with branches that reach far over nearby bushes.
Family: Vitaceae
Common name: As this amharaka, Hadjod and Pirandai. Description: A very sprawling hrub with branches that reach far over nearby bushes.
Uses: This plant has been used medicinally since ancient times.
In sidda medicine, cissus. is regarded isotonic and analgesic and is
believed to aid in the healing of broken bones, hence its name as this
amharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). Cissus has
been used in various Ayurvedic classical medicines to heal broken
bones and injured ligaments and tendons. C. quadrangular is has
been used medicinally by the Garotribe of Bangladesh to treat bone
fractures (Plate -2d).
7) Colachasiaesculantas Schott.
Family: Aaeraceae
Common name: shanadumpa
Description: Tall, coarse herbs with simple petalled, deciduous leaves that bloom simultaneously. Utilized as a vegetable in the well-known “Sindhu curry” and as asidedish with moongdal (greengram),the root”kachalu”isused.The thick, creamy curry with prawns is made with the roots. The stem is frequently used to make a flavorful but light chutney by grating it with coconut (Plate 2e).
Family: Aaeraceae
Common name: shanadumpa
Description: Tall, coarse herbs with simple petalled, deciduous leaves that bloom simultaneously. Utilized as a vegetable in the well-known “Sindhu curry” and as asidedish with moongdal (greengram),the root”kachalu”isused.The thick, creamy curry with prawns is made with the roots. The stem is frequently used to make a flavorful but light chutney by grating it with coconut (Plate 2e).
8) CissusquadrangularisL.
Family: Vitaceae
Family: Vitaceae
Common name: As this amharaka, Hadjod and Pirandai.
Description: A very sprawling hrub with branches that reach far
over nearby bushes.
Uses: This plant has been used medicinally since ancient times.
In siddha medicine, cissus is regarded as atonic and analgesic and is
believed to aid in the healing of broken bones, hence its name as this
amharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). Cissus has
been used in various Ayurvedic classical medicines to heal broken
bones and injured ligaments and tendons. C. quadrangular is has
been used medicinally by the Garotribe of Bangladesh to treat bone
fractures (Plate -2d).
9) CissusquadrangularisL.
Family : Vitaceae
Common name: As this amharaka, Hadjod and Pirandai. Description: A very sprawling hrub with branches that reach far over nearby bushes. Uses: This plant has been used medicinally since ancient times. In siddha medicine, cissus is regarded asatonicandanalges i can disbelieved to aid in the healing of broken bones, hence its name as this amharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). Cissus has been used in various Ayurvedic classical medicines to heal broken bones and injured ligaments and tendons. C. quadrangular is has been used medicinally by the Garotribe of Bangladesh to treat bone fractures (Plate -2d).
Family : Vitaceae
Common name: As this amharaka, Hadjod and Pirandai. Description: A very sprawling hrub with branches that reach far over nearby bushes. Uses: This plant has been used medicinally since ancient times. In siddha medicine, cissus is regarded asatonicandanalges i can disbelieved to aid in the healing of broken bones, hence its name as this amharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). Cissus has been used in various Ayurvedic classical medicines to heal broken bones and injured ligaments and tendons. C. quadrangular is has been used medicinally by the Garotribe of Bangladesh to treat bone fractures (Plate -2d).
10) Colachasiaesculantas Schott.
Family: Aaeraceae
Common name: shanadumpa
Description: Tall, coarse herbs with simple petalled, deciduous leaves that bloom simultaneously. Utilized as a vegetable in the well-known “Sindhu curry” and as asidedish with moongdal (greengram),the root “kachalu” isused.The thick, creamy curry with prawns is made with the roots. The stem is frequently used to make a flavorful but light chutney by grating it with coconut (Plate 2e).
Family: Aaeraceae
Common name: shanadumpa
Description: Tall, coarse herbs with simple petalled, deciduous leaves that bloom simultaneously. Utilized as a vegetable in the well-known “Sindhu curry” and as asidedish with moongdal (greengram),the root “kachalu” isused.The thick, creamy curry with prawns is made with the roots. The stem is frequently used to make a flavorful but light chutney by grating it with coconut (Plate 2e).
11) Crotalariapallid Aiton.
Family: Papiloniaceae
Commonname: kattukozhinji.
Description: A subshrub species with surprisingly large, extremely membranous leaves, a stem covered in spreading hairs, and reflexed bracts.
Uses: The genus Crotalaria contains special foods that are rich in nutrients like starch, protein, dietary fiber, oligosaccharides, phytochemicals, and minerals. Their nutritional value helps people’s health in a variety of ways. These plants are frequently chosen for their disease resistance, yields, and nutritional value in order to ensure their survival and best cultivation (Plate -3a).
Family: Papiloniaceae
Commonname: kattukozhinji.
Description: A subshrub species with surprisingly large, extremely membranous leaves, a stem covered in spreading hairs, and reflexed bracts.
Uses: The genus Crotalaria contains special foods that are rich in nutrients like starch, protein, dietary fiber, oligosaccharides, phytochemicals, and minerals. Their nutritional value helps people’s health in a variety of ways. These plants are frequently chosen for their disease resistance, yields, and nutritional value in order to ensure their survival and best cultivation (Plate -3a).
12) Eragrostis uniloides Nees.
Family: Poaceae
Common name: karyampullu.
Description: Herb 7cm long, oblong or ovoid panicles, branches that typically spear, pales without wings or with very narrow wings, falling with a lemmas. ellipsoid or ovoid in shape. Love grass is frequently utilized as live stock feed. Although the seeds are small and difficult to collect for human consumption, some animals seem to find them to have a high nutritional value. Tiff, which is used to make traditional breads on the Horn of Africa (Plate 3b), is a notable exception.
Family: Poaceae
Common name: karyampullu.
Description: Herb 7cm long, oblong or ovoid panicles, branches that typically spear, pales without wings or with very narrow wings, falling with a lemmas. ellipsoid or ovoid in shape. Love grass is frequently utilized as live stock feed. Although the seeds are small and difficult to collect for human consumption, some animals seem to find them to have a high nutritional value. Tiff, which is used to make traditional breads on the Horn of Africa (Plate 3b), is a notable exception.
13) Ipomeapestigridis L.
Family: Convolvulaceae Common name: Thannichedi
Description: The glabrous herb has spreading star-like prostate branches that are obtusely keeled in the later stages, glabrous stems and capsules, and glabrous, occasionally faintly furrowed seeds. Rarely exceeding 15 cm in length, with a cordate shape, an entire, rounded margin, and obscure nerves (Plate -6e). Uses: Swelling, headaches, snake bites, and swelling are all treated with herbs.
Family: Convolvulaceae Common name: Thannichedi
Description: The glabrous herb has spreading star-like prostate branches that are obtusely keeled in the later stages, glabrous stems and capsules, and glabrous, occasionally faintly furrowed seeds. Rarely exceeding 15 cm in length, with a cordate shape, an entire, rounded margin, and obscure nerves (Plate -6e). Uses: Swelling, headaches, snake bites, and swelling are all treated with herbs.
14) LudwgiaparvifloraRoxb. Family: Onagraceae
Common name: Musalkathilai.
Description: An upright herb with leaves that are up to 3 cm long and are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, and the capsule is about 3 cm long. Smooth and inflated capsules contain many rows of seeds that are difficult to see through the cell walls.
Uses: Tender shoots are applied to so regums, and the plant is boiled and the resulting oil is applied to the body to lower fever (Plate 3c)
Common name: Musalkathilai.
Description: An upright herb with leaves that are up to 3 cm long and are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, and the capsule is about 3 cm long. Smooth and inflated capsules contain many rows of seeds that are difficult to see through the cell walls.
Uses: Tender shoots are applied to so regums, and the plant is boiled and the resulting oil is applied to the body to lower fever (Plate 3c)
15) IpomeapestigridisL.
Family: Convolvulaceae Common name: Thannichedi
Description: The glabrous herb has spreading star-like prostate branches that are obtusely keeled in the later stages, glabrous stems and capsules, and glabrous, occasionally faintly furrowed seeds. Rarely exceeding 15 cm in length, with a cordate shape, an entire, rounded margin, and obscure nerves (Plate -6e).
Uses: Swelling, headaches, snake bites, and swelling are all treated with herbs.
Family: Convolvulaceae Common name: Thannichedi
Description: The glabrous herb has spreading star-like prostate branches that are obtusely keeled in the later stages, glabrous stems and capsules, and glabrous, occasionally faintly furrowed seeds. Rarely exceeding 15 cm in length, with a cordate shape, an entire, rounded margin, and obscure nerves (Plate -6e).
Uses: Swelling, headaches, snake bites, and swelling are all treated with herbs.
16) LudwgiaparvifloraRoxb.
Family: Onagraceae
Common name: Musalkathilai
Description: An upright herb with leaves that are up to 3 cm long and are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, and the capsule is about 3 cm long. Smooth and inflated capsules contain many rows of seeds that are difficult to see through the cell walls.
Uses: Tender shoots are applied to so regums, and the plant is boiled and the resulting oil is applied to the body to lower fever (Plate 3c).
Family: Onagraceae
Common name: Musalkathilai
Description: An upright herb with leaves that are up to 3 cm long and are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, and the capsule is about 3 cm long. Smooth and inflated capsules contain many rows of seeds that are difficult to see through the cell walls.
Uses: Tender shoots are applied to so regums, and the plant is boiled and the resulting oil is applied to the body to lower fever (Plate 3c).
17) Justicia betonicaL.
Family: Acanthaceae
Comman name: Velimungil
Description: A tall, upright shrub with a corolla that is white with pink spots. Levees are petioled, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, quickly attenuate at base, glabrous or villous underneath,entireorornate-den tate,upto6incheslong,3incheswide;capsulesare3-5inches long, clavate pubescent.
Applications: It is used to treat a variety of gastro intestinal complaints. While the leaves and flowers are used in Kenya, the plant is used by the Indians to treat diarrhea. The oral inflorescence was used by the Indians to treat nausea and constipation. The Lou tribe of Tanzania uses a decoction of the entire plant to treat stomachaches (Plate 3d).
Family: Acanthaceae
Comman name: Velimungil
Description: A tall, upright shrub with a corolla that is white with pink spots. Levees are petioled, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, quickly attenuate at base, glabrous or villous underneath,entireorornate-den tate,upto6incheslong,3incheswide;capsulesare3-5inches long, clavate pubescent.
Applications: It is used to treat a variety of gastro intestinal complaints. While the leaves and flowers are used in Kenya, the plant is used by the Indians to treat diarrhea. The oral inflorescence was used by the Indians to treat nausea and constipation. The Lou tribe of Tanzania uses a decoction of the entire plant to treat stomachaches (Plate 3d).
18) IpomeachordataL.
Family: Convolvaceae
Common name: CakkaravarttiKeerai
Description: A very hairy climber with oddly lobed leaves and white or pink flowers that are cut to about 5 inches from the top of the petiole in a sinus shape.
Utilization: In the past, some aula varieties were used as medicines. Aula was used to stimulate lactation and as a tonic during pregnancy. Asthma was purportedly cured by other varieties. When it was necessary to cause vomiting, raw’aula was combined with Tistem (Plate-6d).
Family: Convolvaceae
Common name: CakkaravarttiKeerai
Description: A very hairy climber with oddly lobed leaves and white or pink flowers that are cut to about 5 inches from the top of the petiole in a sinus shape.
Utilization: In the past, some aula varieties were used as medicines. Aula was used to stimulate lactation and as a tonic during pregnancy. Asthma was purportedly cured by other varieties. When it was necessary to cause vomiting, raw’aula was combined with Tistem (Plate-6d).
19) Portulaca tuberose Roxb.
Family: Portulacaceae
Common name: PuruppuKeerai
Description: Stems many, diffused from the top of a fusi form fleshy root; leaves linear, margined; flowers clustered; abundant brown hairs round the flowers and typically at the nodes; leaves serrate or linear; hairs plentiful and conspicuous.
Uses: Indysuria, leaves and fusion are given internally. Erysipelas is visible from the outside. The plant possesses diuretic, calculolythic, angalesic, and anti-butric qualities. a treatment option for milder, non-specific acute diarrhea. Plate -6b.
Family: Portulacaceae
Common name: PuruppuKeerai
Description: Stems many, diffused from the top of a fusi form fleshy root; leaves linear, margined; flowers clustered; abundant brown hairs round the flowers and typically at the nodes; leaves serrate or linear; hairs plentiful and conspicuous.
Uses: Indysuria, leaves and fusion are given internally. Erysipelas is visible from the outside. The plant possesses diuretic, calculolythic, angalesic, and anti-butric qualities. a treatment option for milder, non-specific acute diarrhea. Plate -6b.
20) Heliotropium indicum L.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Thel-Kodukku
Description: Common in all plains districts are rodesides and waste areas. a rough annual herb growing to a height of 2feet, with long spikes of large leaves and paleviolet small flowers. A long, petiole up to 4 inches long, 3 to 4 inches wide, and hispid-pubescent, the leaves are ovate, obtuse, narrowed or cor date at base, frequently unequal, undulate, and usually decurrent. Plants have astringent, emollient, culinary, and diuretic properties. It is applied locally for the treatment of ulcers, sores, wounds, gumboils, skin affections, insect strings, and rheumatism. The leaves are used to keep rings warm,the juice is used to treat eye diseases, and the roots are aphrodisiacs that are used to treat night blindness (Plate3e).
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Thel-Kodukku
Description: Common in all plains districts are rodesides and waste areas. a rough annual herb growing to a height of 2feet, with long spikes of large leaves and paleviolet small flowers. A long, petiole up to 4 inches long, 3 to 4 inches wide, and hispid-pubescent, the leaves are ovate, obtuse, narrowed or cor date at base, frequently unequal, undulate, and usually decurrent. Plants have astringent, emollient, culinary, and diuretic properties. It is applied locally for the treatment of ulcers, sores, wounds, gumboils, skin affections, insect strings, and rheumatism. The leaves are used to keep rings warm,the juice is used to treat eye diseases, and the roots are aphrodisiacs that are used to treat night blindness (Plate3e).
21) Zizyphus rugosa Lam.
Family: Rhamnaceae
Common name: Charai, kottamullu.
Description: A small tree or shrub with large, elliptic, typically cordate leaves, paniculate flowers, and small fruit that is straggly and thorny. Reddish and moderately hard wood.
Uses: Four grain pills containing the flowers, equal amounts of petal leaf petioles, and half as much lime are taken twice daily to treat men or rhagia (Plate-4a).
Family: Rhamnaceae
Common name: Charai, kottamullu.
Description: A small tree or shrub with large, elliptic, typically cordate leaves, paniculate flowers, and small fruit that is straggly and thorny. Reddish and moderately hard wood.
Uses: Four grain pills containing the flowers, equal amounts of petal leaf petioles, and half as much lime are taken twice daily to treat men or rhagia (Plate-4a).
22) Justica jendarussa L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Common name: karunochi, vadaikuthi.
Description: The capsule is glabrous and5cmlong.The leaves ares hortpetiolated, narrowly lanceolate, glabrous, up to 5 cm long, and 1 cm wide. An upright underbrush with white and rose or purple spots called a corella.
Uses: The plant is used as a border for gardens, and its leaves are widely used in traditional medicine. The leaf has carminative, antiperiodic, and antispasmodic properties. A decoction made from the leaves of the tenter toung shoot is used to treat chronic rheumatism. Headaches can be treated using an internal infusion of the leaves (Plate -4d).
Family: Acanthaceae
Common name: karunochi, vadaikuthi.
Description: The capsule is glabrous and5cmlong.The leaves ares hortpetiolated, narrowly lanceolate, glabrous, up to 5 cm long, and 1 cm wide. An upright underbrush with white and rose or purple spots called a corella.
Uses: The plant is used as a border for gardens, and its leaves are widely used in traditional medicine. The leaf has carminative, antiperiodic, and antispasmodic properties. A decoction made from the leaves of the tenter toung shoot is used to treat chronic rheumatism. Headaches can be treated using an internal infusion of the leaves (Plate -4d).
23) Solanum xanthocarpum Sch.&Wendl.
Family: Solanaceae
Common name: kantankattri
Description: The fruit is a berry with many, smooth seeds, and the leaves are ovate or elliptic, acute, pinnatified halfway down, or occasionally only sinuate. A dispersed perennial noticeable herb, the flowers are typically 75 cm in diameter.
Uses: Include treating worms, colds, hoarseness of voice, fever, dysuria, liver enlargement, musculo skeletal pain, spleen stones, and urinary bladder stones. In piles, kantakari fumigation Is beneficial. The berry juice is used to treats ore throats (Plate-4c).
Family: Solanaceae
Common name: kantankattri
Description: The fruit is a berry with many, smooth seeds, and the leaves are ovate or elliptic, acute, pinnatified halfway down, or occasionally only sinuate. A dispersed perennial noticeable herb, the flowers are typically 75 cm in diameter.
Uses: Include treating worms, colds, hoarseness of voice, fever, dysuria, liver enlargement, musculo skeletal pain, spleen stones, and urinary bladder stones. In piles, kantakari fumigation Is beneficial. The berry juice is used to treats ore throats (Plate-4c).
24) Solanum nigram L.
Family: Solanaceae Common name : Manathakkali.
Description: An upright annual herb with white flowers. Auxiliary or lateral umbellatecy me withthin, glabrous leaves, ovatelanceolate berries with entireorsinuateteeththataretypically black but can also be yellow. It is a common herb that is found in wooded are as and is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It also has many health advantages. The fruit, stem, and leaves are used to treat a variety of illnesses (Plate -4d).
Family: Solanaceae Common name : Manathakkali.
Description: An upright annual herb with white flowers. Auxiliary or lateral umbellatecy me withthin, glabrous leaves, ovatelanceolate berries with entireorsinuateteeththataretypically black but can also be yellow. It is a common herb that is found in wooded are as and is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It also has many health advantages. The fruit, stem, and leaves are used to treat a variety of illnesses (Plate -4d).
25) Plumbago auriculatapoir Lam.
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Common name: Cittramulam.
Description: It is an evergreen shrub with white flowers and alternate, entire petioles that are frequently auricled at the base. Calyx tubular, cotyledons of the single, round seed. Uses: It is used for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, as well as its anti-fertility and anti-cancer properties (Plate -4e).
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Common name: Cittramulam.
Description: It is an evergreen shrub with white flowers and alternate, entire petioles that are frequently auricled at the base. Calyx tubular, cotyledons of the single, round seed. Uses: It is used for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, as well as its anti-fertility and anti-cancer properties (Plate -4e).
26) Tragi ainvolucrata L.
Family: Urticaceae
Common name: Kanchori
Description: An evergreen climbing hispid herd with stinging bristles, variable in foliage, the leaves rather thick. Leaves are not cordate at the base.
Uses: Roots are diaphoretic, alternative, diuretic and blood purifier. They are valued in febricula and in itching of the skin, also for pain sin leg sand harms. Roots are also used in old venereal complaints and externally in enlarged in spleen; the fruits are rubbed on ahead with little water to cur baldness. Leaf juice is given for jaundice in Rangamati (Plate -5a).
Family: Urticaceae
Common name: Kanchori
Description: An evergreen climbing hispid herd with stinging bristles, variable in foliage, the leaves rather thick. Leaves are not cordate at the base.
Uses: Roots are diaphoretic, alternative, diuretic and blood purifier. They are valued in febricula and in itching of the skin, also for pain sin leg sand harms. Roots are also used in old venereal complaints and externally in enlarged in spleen; the fruits are rubbed on ahead with little water to cur baldness. Leaf juice is given for jaundice in Rangamati (Plate -5a).
27) Phyllanthus amarus schum&Thorn.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common name: Keelanelli
Description: A thin annual herb with a stem that is necked below and thin, angular branches that are covered in leaves, measuring 15–45 cm high, is described. Flowers are tiny, plentiful, and quickly dispelled. Small, compressed globose capsules.
Uses: It could lower blood pressure. People who have kidney and liver stones can benefit from this. It is reportedly also applied to anorexia (Plate 5b).
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common name: Keelanelli
Description: A thin annual herb with a stem that is necked below and thin, angular branches that are covered in leaves, measuring 15–45 cm high, is described. Flowers are tiny, plentiful, and quickly dispelled. Small, compressed globose capsules.
Uses: It could lower blood pressure. People who have kidney and liver stones can benefit from this. It is reportedly also applied to anorexia (Plate 5b).
28) Jatropha curcas L.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common name: Kaat-amunak.
Description: It is described as a thin annual herb that grows 15– 45 cm high, has a necked stem below, and thin, angular branches with leaves. Flowers are small, numerous, and quickly gone. tiny, tightly packed globose capsules.
Uses: It might bring down blood pressure. This is helpful for those who have kidney and liver stones. According to reports, it is also used for anorexia (Plate 5b).
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common name: Kaat-amunak.
Description: It is described as a thin annual herb that grows 15– 45 cm high, has a necked stem below, and thin, angular branches with leaves. Flowers are small, numerous, and quickly gone. tiny, tightly packed globose capsules.
Uses: It might bring down blood pressure. This is helpful for those who have kidney and liver stones. According to reports, it is also used for anorexia (Plate 5b).
29) Thespesia populnea L
Family: Malvaceae
Common name: Puvarasam
Description: A fairly large evergreen tree with long-petioled cordate leaves that are 3-5 inches long and 2-3 inches wide, and long peduncle flowers with yellow petals that turn purplish pink. Uses: The paste made from this tree’s leaves is used to bandage up inflammations. The treatment for skin conditions likes cabies and purities involves applying flower paste. On skin conditions, the fruit’s milky secretion is applied (Plate -5d).
Family: Malvaceae
Common name: Puvarasam
Description: A fairly large evergreen tree with long-petioled cordate leaves that are 3-5 inches long and 2-3 inches wide, and long peduncle flowers with yellow petals that turn purplish pink. Uses: The paste made from this tree’s leaves is used to bandage up inflammations. The treatment for skin conditions likes cabies and purities involves applying flower paste. On skin conditions, the fruit’s milky secretion is applied (Plate -5d).
30) Sida rhombifolia L.
Family: Malvaceae
Common name: Paniyartuttil, Paniyartuti.
Description: The stems are 50–120 centimeters tall, erect to sprawling, and branched, with the lower portions being woody. With petioles that are only about one-third the length of the leaves, the dark green, diamond-shaped leaves are alternately arranged along the stem and range in length from 4 to 8 centimeters. Small, spiny stipules are present at the bases of the petioles. They have short, grayish hair and are paler underneath.
Uses: In Mexico, the leaves are smoked, and in India, a tea is made. The reason arrow leaf sidaisunpala table to cattle may be related to these chemicals. According to a different source, the root has a 0.1 percent alkaloid content and contains in do le alkaloids related to choline, pseudoephedrine, beta-phenethylamine, vascin, and hipaphorine (Plate -5e).
Family: Malvaceae
Common name: Paniyartuttil, Paniyartuti.
Description: The stems are 50–120 centimeters tall, erect to sprawling, and branched, with the lower portions being woody. With petioles that are only about one-third the length of the leaves, the dark green, diamond-shaped leaves are alternately arranged along the stem and range in length from 4 to 8 centimeters. Small, spiny stipules are present at the bases of the petioles. They have short, grayish hair and are paler underneath.
Uses: In Mexico, the leaves are smoked, and in India, a tea is made. The reason arrow leaf sidaisunpala table to cattle may be related to these chemicals. According to a different source, the root has a 0.1 percent alkaloid content and contains in do le alkaloids related to choline, pseudoephedrine, beta-phenethylamine, vascin, and hipaphorine (Plate -5e).
31) Spillanthes calv W.
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Vanamugali
Description: An upright annual herb with leaves that are 2.5 to 5 cm long, ovate, acute or subobtuse, irregularly crenate-serrate, and have a cute base. Heads are yellow, 0.6 to 1.3 cm long, ovoid, single or sub panicled, and occasionally reach a length of 10 cm.
Uses: The flower head’s stimulant and sialagogue properties make it an effective treatment for toothaches, gum and throat ailments, and tongue paralysis. It works well as a mosquito larvalicide. The plant’s decoction is diuretic, lithontriptic, and used as a bath for rheumatism and dysentery (Plate -6c).
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Vanamugali
Description: An upright annual herb with leaves that are 2.5 to 5 cm long, ovate, acute or subobtuse, irregularly crenate-serrate, and have a cute base. Heads are yellow, 0.6 to 1.3 cm long, ovoid, single or sub panicled, and occasionally reach a length of 10 cm.
Uses: The flower head’s stimulant and sialagogue properties make it an effective treatment for toothaches, gum and throat ailments, and tongue paralysis. It works well as a mosquito larvalicide. The plant’s decoction is diuretic, lithontriptic, and used as a bath for rheumatism and dysentery (Plate -6c).
Spore Description:
Spain, Sieverding and Schenck’s Acaulospora appendicula
The azygospore (170-) 250 (-390) μm diam. When young, it is
opaque white; as it ages, it turns from dull yellow-cream to orangetan:
Attached to the reticulate inner wall and forming an appendage
on the spore is a hyphal pedunculate protuberance. 8-16 (-20) m thick
external wall. Roughened a little. age-related browning from yellow.
Smooth innermost hyaline wall. 2-4 m thick.Acaulosporascorbiculata Trappe (plate-7b):
Sessile azygospores that form singly in the soil are carried laterally
on a broad, thin-walled hyaline hypha that ends nearby in a vesicle
with a thin wall. Vesicle is globose-shaped, and matures pores range
in color from olive to light brown. Except for the circular, rimmed
vesicleGigasporarosea NicolsonandSchenck(plate-7c)
Azygospores produced singly, globose, 250-300 μm diameter,
cream in colour with rose- pink tint, wall upto 8μmthick, with 2-5
inseparation layers,outer wall smooth suspens or like cell, bulbous,
subtending hyphae upto 50 μm thick, wall upto 2 μm thick.
Glomusambisporum Smith and schenck (plate-7d)
Chlamydospores formed singly in the soil, sub globose,
peridominatly globus and occasionally sub globose, 98-166×93-157
c, sporocarp dark brown to black, central core of thick inter woven
hypha, periderm absent, sporo carpaggrigates, three walled spores,
inner wall membranous, middle wall laminate dark brown, confluent
with hyphal attachment, outer wall reticulate.
Glomuscitricolum Tang and Zang.(Plate-7e)
Specocarps are unknown. Chlamydospores can be dispersed
singly, in loose clusters in the ground, or in dense clusters in the cortex
of roots. Spores are light brown, 35-65 m wide, and 60-90 m long.
They can be globose to sub globose or ovoid, obovoid, or irregular.
Spore wall is two layered and smooth. A septum may occasionally
close off the distal end. creation of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae.
Glomusdeserticola Trappe, Bloss and Menge (plate-7f)
The soil-borne spores are globose to sub globose, 54-115 52-
102 m, shiny-smooth, and reddish brown in color. They have a
single attached hypha that is 6-12 m in diameter and has a cylindric
to occasionally somewhat funnel shape. At hyphal attachment, the
spore wall thickened at maturity to form an inner mounded color that
appears to be closed by a membranous septum.
Glomus dimorphicum Boyetchko Tewari. (Plate -8a)
Single, reddish-brown, dimorphic, globose to subglobose, 100-
250nm, three walled,3-15nmthick,outer wall hyaline laminated 2-7
nm thick, middle wall reddish brown spores form singly or in loss
clusters. Inner wall is reddish-brown and membranous, about 1 m
thick, and 2–7 m thick, readily separating from outer wall. Straight
orrecurved,12–25mmwide,2–6mmthick,andwith a septum mat the
point of attachment, subtending hyphae are light yellow to light
brown in color.
Glomusdominiki Blaszkowski(Plate- 8b)
Light yellow, ornamented, globose to subglobose, 100-
175 m in diameter, singly borne chlamydospores. Spore walls
have three layers and are divided into two groups: group A has
mallwarts;groupBhas an inner wall that is hyaline, smooth and
membranous, and it is 1 m thick. Hyaline, slightly recurved, up to 13
m wide, 2 m thick at the base of the spore, septum-free, constricted at
attachment, subtending hyphae.
Glomusheterosporum Smith and Schenck(Plate-8c)
Light to darkbrown, oblongtoellipsoid, occasionally globoid, and
99-20661-201minsize, chlamydospores are produced in sporocarps.
two distinct walls on spores. Brown inner wall laminate that is 3 to 10
mm thick. Hyaline outer wall is smooth, ephemeral, and 2–7 m thick.
Hyphae at the attachment point are 5-31 m wide. In a 43:15:1 ratio of
single, dual, and triple attachments, spores frequently have multiple
hyphal attachments. Hyphal connections often had branches.
Glomusaggregatum Schenck and Smithemend.Koske(plate-8d)
Chlamydospores are irregular spores that can range in size from 35-
90 35-70 m and are smooth, globose to subglobose, pyriform, variable,
pale yellow to orange brown in color, occasionallywithagreenishtint.
Theyareformedinlooseclusters.Sporewallsaretwolayers and 3-5 m
thick, with the outer wall being thicker. Straight, curved, swollen,
irregular, or constrictive subtending hyphae range in width from 5
to 10 m.
Glomusalbidum Walker and Rhodes(plate-8e)
Chlamydospores are white, yellow to brownish-yellow, globose,
with two spore walls: an outerhyaline wall that is 1-2 mm thick and
an inner light yellow wall that is laminated and 1- 2 mm thick. The
spore walls are continuous with the hyphal wall. Straight, two-walled
subtenting hyphae with a thickened outer wall at the base of the spore.
Oil droplets with a lot of spores.
Chlamydospores can be found in sporocarps, loose aggregations,
dead rootlets, small, compact clusters, and soil.Grayishbrown,tubercu
late,upto8X5X5mmsporocarpsthatare irregularlygloboseorflattened.
Absenceofperidium.Whenglobose, chlamydospores measure 35–105
diam.; they are smooth or appear roughened due to adherent debris.
Glomusaustrale (Berck) Berch (Plate-9a)
Reniform, epigeous, white when fresh, and beige when dried,
sporocarp. When dried material is cut,spores form in undetectable
loose clusters that are not visible at the cut surface. Each cluster
develops from a central, subtending hyphae, and is broad (20–25
m) at the point of attachment. Spores have two wall layers with a
diameter of (120-)160 (-180) m; the inner layer is light or dark brown
and 7(1-15) m thick, with the outer layer being hyaline or pale yellow.
The spore is frequently found in subtending hyphae.
Scutellisporagregaria (Schenck and Nicolson)Walker and Sanders
Spores formed singly, forcibly reddish, globose to subglobose,
four cell walled 250-448 × 250-480 μm in size. second cell brittle
yellow, suspensor like cells pale brown, septate subtending hypha,
thick or thin walled hypha, the suspensor cell and extending towards
the spores, the large wart like projections are closely packed.
Scutellisporanigra (Redhead)Walker and Sanders (plate-9c)
Spores formed singly, dark brown to black, globose, 2 walled,
outerwall dark brown to black, pitted, inner wall light brown,
transparent, laminate. Suspensor-like cell attached laterally, brown
among the dark-spored species of Scutellispora. Scutellispora nigra
can be easily distinguished by large, black and pitted spores.
The purpose of the study is to look at the arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungus associations in the plants growing along the riverbank in
Bhavani, Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore District. In the rhizosphere soil
and root samples, 25 plant species from 18 families were examined for
AM fungal association. All plant species had arbuscular mycorrizal
fungal spore populations and varying degrees of root colonization.
Recordings were made of the my celial structures such as hyphae,
arbuscules, and vesicles. All 25 plant species in the rhizospore soil
samples had different soil pH levels.
In this study indicated that that highest AM fungal infection
in The spesia populnea (58%) and the lowest in Ipomea pestigridis
(16%). The maximum spore population were reported in Cassa tora
(578/100g of soil) and minimum in Colachasia sps. (121/100g of soil).
Totally 15 AM fungal species belonging to 4 genera were observed
such as Acaulospora, Gigaspora,Glomusands cuetellispora were found
in the river bank of Bhavani of Coimbatore district. The two species
of Acaulospora, Aca. Appendicula, Aca. Scorbuculicataone species
of Gigaspora, Gig. rosea, ten species of Glomus, Gl. ambisporum,
Gl.citricola, Gl.deserticola, Gl.dimorphicum, Gl.dominikki.
Gl.hetrosporum. Gl.aggregatum. Gl.AlbidiumGl.austral and Gl.
Fasiculatum, two species of Scutellispora Scu. gregaria, Scu.nigra. Of
these the Glomusgenera were dominated followed by Acaulospora,
Gigaspora, Scutellispora. Among the AM fungal species the Glomus
fasiculatum was dominant one.
The findings of this study showed that the AM fungal diversity in
plant species’ rhizosphere soils can be regarded as essential diversity.
The study came to the conclusion that the widespread presence of AM
fungal in the soil and its increased favorability for better plant growth.
It is clear from the findings of the current investigation that AM fungi
are very common in the study area. AM fungi had colonized every
species of plant that had been examined. AM fungi play a significant
role in agriculture and are highly significant economically.