Review Article
Food Neophobia-A Barrier to Healthy Diet: A Brief Review
Sharma J* and Nagar L
LNCT University, LNCT School of Hotel Management & Tourism, India
*Corresponding author: Sharma J, LNCT University, LNCT School of Hotel Management & Tourism, Bhopal, India; E-mail:
Article Information: Submission: 02/11/2019; Accepted: 29/11/2019; Published: 02/12/2019
Copyright: © 2019 Sharma J, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present paper explores the relative importance of fruit and vegetable consumption in children and adults. The paper provides an overview of potential
determinants of Food Neophobia .It is also proposed in the paper that food Neophobia and liking are important factors in healthy eating. Food Neophobia
have shown to contribute to rejection or acceptance of fruits and vegetables, so the thorough understanding and analysis of variables which influence the
development and expression of these factors is required. Psychological research is beginning to reveal the complex interplay of innate and environmental
factors which shape eating patterns.
Food neophobia; Food preferences; Personality; Traits; Social influences
The word was diet originated in 1566 and meant “to take one’s
meal’’ or “to feed on.’’. Dietician used the word, diet, mean all the food
that a person eats on a regular basis. Diet of people may have changed
due to several reasons, like disease prevention, weight loss, food
allergies or improvement of mental and physical health. Availability
of plenty of food doesn’t mean good nutrition and well maintained
health of country citizens, especially for developed countries access to
a greater variety of food does not mean a diet is necessarily healthful
and nutritious. The reason for healthy diet may be different for
different people. Found that health reason for eating certain foods,
based on the factors like [1], health and energy, preventing disease
and achieving excellent health. Still many studies have not found a
close connection between nutrition knowledge and food intake.
Found that nutrition knowledge correlated mainly with vegetables
[2], fruit and fat intake, they have reported that knowledge of different
health behavior does not have an effect on behavior if a person is not
motivated to change. Sometimes people alter their diet because of
their religious and personal reasons and because of belief also, for
some food, like follower of Muslim religion and Jewish faith has many
dietary rules. In modern societies, food is more than mere substance.
What people choose to eat is not solely based on their biological need,
their choice also address many physiological and or emotional issues [3]. There are various factors that shape the development of human
food preferences. The term “preferences” refer to the selection of one
item over another. In general “preferences” connotes that liking is the
basis for selection, although liking is only one of number. Of motive
that affect food selection. Food Preferences strongly influence intake
and it is therefore vital to understand how these preferences arise.
Food preferences develops from genetically determined
predisposition, Even a childlike sweet and salty flavor and dislike bitter
and sour taste because of genetically determined predisposition. Food
neophobia has been identified as an inherent adaptive personality
trait (Milton 1993). It is defined as the rejection of food that is novel
or unknown to child. Food neophobia aids this avoidance mechanism
naturally by rejecting potential food for that they no experiences.
Reason to Study
Everywhere in the world there are still gap between dietary
recommendations and actual food consumption in the general
population, to improve the health status of individual, it is important
to understand eating attitude and behavior, Evidence also indicates
that dietary habits are acquired in childhood persist throughout
the life. Development of healthy eating behavior is mostly depends
upon environments and the attitudes towards the health and taste.
Extensive nutrition education campaign in western countries during the last few decades have tried to reduce the gap between dietary
recommendations and quality of diet.
Food neophobia is defined as unwillingness to eat novel foods
and is thought to be an adaptive behavior, to promote healthy dietary
practices ensuring child to consume right foods that are familiar
and safe during developmental periods [4]. Dislike of sensory
characteristics of food appears to be the strongest driver of neophobia
in young and adult. Some authors have suggested that lack of dietary
variety in children and adult diet is directly associated with the intake
of food stuff.
Food Neophobia and Its Causes
Food neophobia is often described as the reluctance to eat,
or avoidance of, new foods [5]. The term was derived from the
earlier work of ‘Rozin’s “omnivore’s dilemma’’’ because humans
are omnivores and mammals. During infancy we are nourished
exclusively by milk and during this period food preferences are not
an issue. Early infancy is the time important in the development
of a predisposition to respond to new foods and to influence food
preferences and food intake. There are very few factors which explain
the reduction of neophobic response, but it is very true that neophobic
responses is reduced by repeated opportunity to consume novel food
e.g. when 2 year old were given varying number of opportunities to
taste new fruits and cheese, their preferences increases with frequency
of exposure, with the evidence it is observed that between 5-10
exposure to a new food are necessary to see and increase preference
for it.
Genetic Predisposition
1) The genetic predisposition that constrain food preferences
or intake of healthy food, like consumption of vegetables and fruit,
especially in children, include
(a) The predisposition to prefer foods that are sweet and salty and
reject those that are sour and bitter.
b) The predisposition to reject novel food and no predisposition
to prefer vegetable and fruit until, unless they are presented in
acceptable forms
(c) The predisposition to learn food preferences by associating
food with the context and consequences of eating them.
The research of genetic effect on individual differences in food
preferences and food selection in adult done by Reed et al. and Peruse
and Bouchard [6-8], the research suggest that in humans, genetic
differences account for relatively little variance in food preferences
and apart from it, environment factor is also important. Research
has also identified several genes related to individual differences in
sweet and bitter taste perception. Genetic sensitivity to bitter may also
influence preferences for other taste.
Personality and Gender
In general, women have been frequently reported to engage in
far more health promoting behavior than men and have a healthier
lifestyle [9].
Good taste has been reported as the main reason among swedish
respondent [10]. The taste is the most important factor in relation
to fruit and vegetable consumption [11]. In their study of american
female university student [12], he found attitudes towards different
fat containing food because people generally get enjoyment of these
foods, it is to be prominent predictor of their consumption of fatty
foods. This enjoyment and taste factor leads to resistance in selecting
the healthy food item.
It has been proposed so many times that, neophobia is related
to age [13]. It is the most obvious personality trait that if a person is
having sensation seeking nature or individual who are more sensation
seeking by nature tend to have much lower levels of food neophobia
[14-16]. Other personality factor have also been positively associated
with food neophobia including trait anxiety.
Acceptance or rejection of food, depends upon its novelty,
once its novelty has been removed it is outside of the realm of food
neophobia, the rejection of food based on the visual perception, odor
and amount of exposure. In terms of sex difference some studies
have found differences in food neophobia (e.g. women are more
neophobic; frank and vander, klaauw 1994) [17].
Way to Reduce Food Neophobia
Through social influence:
The effect of social environment on food neophobia may help to
decrease the duration of expression [18]. If people around the child
consuming the novel food, the more willing of the child to try it, the
greatest effect, if every person around the child is eating at the same
time [19,20]. This would suggest that young child learns to accept
food through observing importance of food rather than linguistic
reasoning.Mother’s eating behavior, attitudes and child feeding practices
have a major impact on the development of children’s food acceptance
pattern. Social factor are particularly important in shaping children
preferences as they make transit to the adult diet. For children, adult
and peer can also play a role in inducing of an initially disliked or
unfamiliar food. The effectiveness of role model in inducing children
to try food also differ, depending on the relationship between child
and the model. Older children more effective than strangers, and for
older preschool children, adult heroes are more effective than more
ordinary adult [21,22].
Learned food preferences, repeated exposure and post ingestive consequences:
Experimental studies illustrate neophobic tendencies can be
reduced and preferences can be increased by exposing infants and
young children repeatedly to novel food. These studies suggest that
young children s need to be exposed to novel food between 6-15
times.Exposure needs to include tasting the food, as merely seeing or
learning a novel food on repeated occasions did not promote children
preferences for that food. Human species can learn to associate food
flavor with consequences that follow eating. These consequences
can be positive such as pleasant post ingestive signals generated by normal satiety. Repeated association of food with positive post
ingestive signals can produce learned preferences.
A recent intervention study found that repeatedly exposing
children to a novel food with in positive social environments is
especially effective in increasing children‘s willingness to try and
preference for the novel food. These findings suggest the importance
of both the act of repeatedly exposing children to new food and the
context within which this exposure occurs.
Post-ingestive consequences also influences preferences and
can facilitate the acceptance of previously disliked taste such as sour
and bitter, Parents play a pivotal role in molding children‘s food
preferences by offering contingencies. Parents may also restrict
children’s access to palatable foods that are high in sugar, salt, and
fat in an effort to decrease their children’s preferences and intake of
these foods.
Much of food preference development occurs during childhood,
food preferences continue to change during adolescence and
adulthood. The factors that change food preferences become more
complex as individuals mature. Adult food preferences are associated
with age, sex, health status, education and income .Healthfulness of
food preferences increases with increasing age.
In this study most of the input and information or data are
gathered from selected books and journal and it is more of a
descriptive research in nature because the objective is to assess and
evaluate the relationship between healthy eating and food neophobia
.However, assessment and findings of past and ongoing research
has been used to support a number of factors and relations between
relevant variables.
Summary and Conclusion
In present review of up-to-date research, results demonstrate an
important influence of food neophobia on healthy diet.
It is clear that children are not consuming enough fruit and
vegetables during childhood. Which is left unchecked and will lead
to a generation of unhealthy nutrient deficient adult. It appears that
overcoming food neophobia is integral to getting children to adopt a
healthy diet and eat fruit and vegetables.
In most of the world today preferences of food, influences food
selection in a way that are inconsistent with dietary guidelines and
that promote being overweight and obese. Our genetic predisposition
includes the preference for sweet and salty taste and tendency to reject
new food. This genetic predisposition developed through several
generations, when high energy foods were scarce. Parents can apply a
variety of strategies to improve their children’s eating like, offering of
rewards and provisions of nutrition information.
Research with a variety of other species and research with
humans has shown that observing other eating a new food can reduce
neophobic response, in making the transition to adult diet, a young rat learned to prefer the adult diet by observing eating by other rats;
specially adult rat. Rat pub are prefer to eat at location where adults
are eating, rather than where no rats are present.