Research article
Radiation Exposure and Safety Awareness among Resident Doctors in a Tertiary care centre in Karnataka
Shilali MS1, Doddamani D2 and Hegde S3*
1Postgraduate, Department of Radiodiagnosis, J.J.M Medical College, Devanagari, Karnataka, India
2Associate Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KVG Medical College and Hospital
2Associate Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KVG Medical College and Hospital
*Corresponding author:Saurish Hegde, Department of Community Medicine, KVG Medical College and Hospital. E-mailId:
Copyright: © 2025 Shilali MS, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.
Article Information:Submission: 27/11/2024; Accepted: 02/01/2025; Published: 06/01/2025
Introduction:There are an estimated 2.3 million healthcare workers who are engaging in radiation related practices. There is a knowledge gap that exists in medical professionals regarding the radiation exposure and their effects. Hence clinicians must have a good understanding of the potential risks and benefits of the medical radiation use and must be able to justify the radiation exposure to a patient in various settings.
Methodology: It is a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study conducted in a tertiary care centre in Karnataka.Convenience based sampling technique was employed to collect data. The study duration was for 3 months (February-April 2024). A sample size of 180 has been determined, with a confidence interval of 95.5% and fixed precision of 5%.
Results:The performance of majority of participants fell in to Average category constituting 65.1% population. The mean scores of 1sts, 2nd, 3rd year post graduates and interns dealing with radiation exposure were 4.92 ± 1.42, 3.12 ± 1.43, 5.14 ± 1.63 and 5.06 ± 1.26 respectively. There was no significant association between the socio-demographic characteristics and the total scores of participants.
Conclusion:The current study demonstrates that there is lack of knowledge about radiation exposure and safety practices among the resident doctors. In order to bridge the gap of knowledge, educative programmes have to be targeted at the Resident doctors, which can ensure mindful use of healthcare resources and can enhance patient safety.
Methodology: It is a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study conducted in a tertiary care centre in Karnataka.Convenience based sampling technique was employed to collect data. The study duration was for 3 months (February-April 2024). A sample size of 180 has been determined, with a confidence interval of 95.5% and fixed precision of 5%.
Results:The performance of majority of participants fell in to Average category constituting 65.1% population. The mean scores of 1sts, 2nd, 3rd year post graduates and interns dealing with radiation exposure were 4.92 ± 1.42, 3.12 ± 1.43, 5.14 ± 1.63 and 5.06 ± 1.26 respectively. There was no significant association between the socio-demographic characteristics and the total scores of participants.
Conclusion:The current study demonstrates that there is lack of knowledge about radiation exposure and safety practices among the resident doctors. In order to bridge the gap of knowledge, educative programmes have to be targeted at the Resident doctors, which can ensure mindful use of healthcare resources and can enhance patient safety.
Keywords:Radiation Safety; Radiation Exposure; Medical Professionals; Resident
The inception of radiology can be traced back to the 1895 when
Wilhelm Rontgen first discovered X-rays. Throughout the decades,
there has been exponential advancement in the field and significant
efforts have been made to adapt X-rays and other ionising radiation
in health care for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Today, there is an estimated 2.3 million healthcare workers who
are engaging in radiation related practices [1] and medical uses of
radiation constitutes more than 99.9% of radiation exposure to the
world’s population from man-made sources.[2]
It has been proven through research that acute exposure to high
doses of ionising radiation can cause damage to healthy tissues, such
as skin burns and radiation sickness (deterministic effects) and at
low doses it can cause long term health effects such as cardiovascular
diseases, increased risk of cancers and genetic damages (stochastic
However, medical radiation exposure is a necessary evil. One
may miss the diagnosis because of insufficient workup and one may
unnecessarily irradiate the patient if used without discrimination.
Hence, it is up to the discretion of the prescribing clinician to assess
the appropriateness of the investigation and justify the radiation
exposure. Although there is no data available to indicate if there is
a threshold below which no harmful effects will occur4clinicians
must request for appropriate examinations based on the principle of
benefits outweighing the risks.[5]
Multiple studies have shown that regardless of the field of
expertise there is a knowledge gap that exists in medical professionals
regarding the radiation doses delivered during various radiological
procedures and many doctors tend to underestimate the risks of
radiation exposure to the patient during a diagnostic procedure. It is
also expressed that they lack adequate knowledge and training with
respect to radiation protection.[6-10]
As per the recommendations of International Commission
on Radiological Protection 2007,[11] clinicians must have a good
understanding of the potential risks and benefits of the medical
radiation use and must be able to justify the radiation exposure to a
patient in various settings.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of this study was to assess the
1) To assess Knowledge about radiation exposure, radiation
doses and radiation safety practices among resident doctors
(Interns and Junior residents)
2) To assess Awareness, attitude and practices of radiation use in professional life
2) To assess Awareness, attitude and practices of radiation use in professional life
Study design and setting: Cross-sectional questionnairebased
study conducted in a tertiary care centre in Karnataka.Study
population consisted of students pursuing internship and postgraduation
in various medical specialities. Convenience based
sampling technique was employed to collect data. Ethical clearance
was taken from the medical institution prior to start of data collection.
Informed consent from participants obtained prior to the start of the
Study duration:3 months (February-April 2024)
Sample Size:A sample size of 180 has been determined
considering a positive awareness prevalence of 87% from a previously
published study, with a confidence interval of 955 and fixed precision
of 5%.[1]
Inclusion and exclusion criteria: Residents pursuing internship
or post-graduation in various specialities in the tertiary care centre
and who have consented to participate.
A questionnaire was in the digital form (Google forms) and was
circulated through messenger services.
The questionnaire consisted a total of 37 multiple choice questions,
of which Section A comprised of 4 questions on sociodemographic
details. Section B consisted of 10 questions concerning radiation
and harmful effects of radiation exposure. Section C consisted of 6
questions on radiation dose. Section D consisted of 8 questions on
radiation safety and Section E consisted of 13 subjective questions
to assess the practice of radiation use in professional life. A total of
23 questions were objective type with few questions with multiple
correct answers. Each right answer was awarded 1 point and total
score was calculated for each response, maximum score being 29 and
minimum score being 0.
Topography:Data obtained were entered into an MS Excel
spreadsheet and subsequently analysed using SPSS version 22.
Demographic characteristics such as age and gender were summarized
as numbers and percentages. The associations of age, gender, and
year of study with participant scores were analysed using the Mann-
Whitney U test for age and gender, and the Kruskal-Wallis test for the
year of study. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically
A total of 201 resident doctors participated in the study and filled
out the questionnaire. Of which majority of the participants (70.1%)
fall within the 26 - 31 years age group, making up over two-thirds
of the sample. The gender distribution is almost balanced with near
equal distribution of male (49.3%) and female (50.7%) participants.
Of the total study population, majority participation is seen with
post-graduate resident doctors accounting to about 84.1 % of the
population, out of which the 3rd year has the highest representation,
comprising nearly half of the sample (46.8%), followed by 1st year post
graduates with 20.9% representation and 2nd year postgraduates with
16.4% representation. Intern residents account for 15.9% population.
This distribution indicates a diverse range of specializations, with
Radiology having the highest representation, comprising 19.9% of
the sample followed by General Medicine (14.4%) also accounting for
a significant portion.The least represented specialties are Psychiatry
(1.5%) and Dermatology (2.0%).
The total score of participants were categorized as low for 0-10,
average for 11-20 and good for 21-29 score. The performance of
majority of participants fell in to Average category constituting 65.1%
population. 31.3% participants performed poorly and scored below
10. Only 3.4% population exhibited good performance. Mean score
was 13.29 and it belonged to average category.
The mean scores of 1st year postgraduates, 2nd year post graduates,
3rd year post graduates and interns in the section B questions dealing
with radiation exposure were 4.92 ± 1.42, 3.12 ± 1.43, 5.14 ± 1.63 and
5.06 ± 1.26 respectively.
The mean scores of 1st year postgraduates, 2nd year post graduates,
3rd year post graduates and interns in the section C questions dealing
with radiation dosage were 2.59 ± 1.19, 4.66 ± 1.96, 2.90 ± 1.22and
2.62 ± 1.18respectively
The mean scores of 1st year postgraduates, 2nd year post graduates,
3rd year post graduates and interns in the section D questions dealing
with radiation exposure were 2.35 ± 1.07, 2.3 ± 0.96, 2.45 ± 0.87and
2.59 ± 0.83 respectively.
Awareness Concerning Radiation and Harmful Effects of Radiation Exposure:
The questions 5 to 14 in the questionnaire aim at assessing
the knowledge of participants on radiation hazards. Majority of
participants correctly answered the questions on basic radiation
characteristics, however 70% of them grossly underestimated the
total ionizing radiation exposure to humans contributed by medical
imaging. 64% of the participants did not know that there is no safe
dose below which harmful effects due to radiation exposure becomes
nil. 37.8% of the population were unaware of the association of
age and gender with the susceptibility to risk of cancer because of
radiation exposure. Only 18.9% residents were right about infant
female having the highest susceptibility to cancer risk due to radiation
exposure. 53% of participants overestimated the radio sensitivity of a
child compared to an adult.Awareness Regarding Radiation Dose:
Questions 15 to 20 in the questionnaire are related to radiation
dose and helps to assess participants’ knowledge of the same.
Majority of the participants correctly estimated the radiation doses
of various imaging studies. However, 22 % of the participants said
they had no idea about the radiation dose of one chest radiograph.
Only 34% of the participants rightly estimated the radiation dose of
NCCT abdomen and pelvis in equivalent chest x-rays. 31% of the
participants were not aware that MRI study does not involve radiation
exposure. 22% of the population thought that the radiation exposure
for different CT imaging involves same radiation dose. 15% of the
population underestimated and 51% of the population overestimated
the radiation dose of CECT abdomen study.Awareness Regarding Radiation Safety:
In the questionnaire, questions 21 to 28 deal with knowledge of
radiation safety and radiation safety practices. 74% of the participants
knew that it is necessary to advise patients about the risks related to
the use of ionizing radiation for medical purposes always. 50% of the
participants were not aware that there is no safe limit for the radiation
received by a patient, beyond which you will not advise further
radiation exposed investigations. 47% of the study population were
unaware of ALARA principle. Only 66% of the participants correctly
answered the recommended investigation for 29-year-old female with
no positive family history with complains of lump in breast. 40% of
the participants did not know the safe distance from x-ray equipment.
95% and 79% correctly thought that lead aprons and lead collars are
radiation safety devices, however 47% were unaware that dosimeters
are not radiation safety devices. 95% of the participants knew about
the different ways to reduce radiation exposure.Radiation Use in Professional Life:
Section E of the questionnaire comprising of questions 29 to 37
were subjective type and was aimed at gaining awareness about the
use of radiation in everyday clinical practice by the residents. 40%
of the population were of the opinion that their knowledge and
awareness on radiation safety was insufficient and 35.8% thought that
it was just sufficient. 33 % of the participants felt that the information
provided on radiation safety in under graduation training to be
inadequate and 46% thought that it could be better. 95% felt the need
forlearning program on radiation safety awareness. 55% residents felt
the most appropriate time for radiation safety awareness program
was in internship and 33% in MBBS training. 56% said that they asked
for patients’ consent before prescribing them investigations involving
ionizing radiation. 36% said they rarely discussed the possible risks
of ionizing radiation with the patients before prescribing it to them.
68% practiced ruling out pregnancy before subjecting a patient into
ionizing radiation. Only 20% said that they always follow or take help
of appropriateness criteria/national/international imaging guidelines
while requesting imaging study.The mean scores of subgroups of participants according to age,
gender and year of residency was compared. There was no significant
association which was found between the socio-demographic
characteristics and the total scores of participants.
Although it is well established among the scientific community
that at high doses radiation exposure can cause cancer, it is now
believed that any amount of radiation may pose some risk for causing
cancer. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) accepts
the LNT hypothesis (Linear no-threshold (LNT) dose-response
relationship) for estimating radiation risk which suggests that any
increase in dose, no matter how small, results in an incremental
increase in risk.[12-15] As per a study conducted by Gonzalez et al
in 2004, it was estimated that Japan which had the highest annual
frequency of diagnostic x-rays, also had the highest attributable
risk of 3.2% of the cumulative risk attributed to diagnostic x-rays,
equivalent to 7587 cases of cancer per year.[16-18] It can be
confidently assumed that the use of diagnostic x-rays has only gone
uphill since then. Furthermore, a 2004 report in BMJ said that up to
a third of all requested radiological studies are completely or partially
The results of the current study highlight a significant gap in
radiation exposure and safety awareness among resident doctors in
the tertiary care centre in Karnataka. The results are in consensus
with multiple similar studies carried out in various parts of the world.
In our study the participants scored a mean of 13.29 (45.8%) out
of a maximum of 29 in the knowledge assessment questionnaire.
It is slightly more than the mean score of 6/19 in a similar study
conducted by Zhou et al in Australia.[22] In a study conducted
among healthcare professionals in a private hospital, it was observed
that participants with 1-5 years of experience had greater knowledge
about radiation safety compared to those with less than 6 months
or more than 5 years of experience.[23] Our study however found
that there was no significant difference in knowledge in participants
of different years of study. A majority of the participants felt that
the information provided on radiation safety in under graduation
training to be inadequate. 95% showed interest in a learning program
on radiation safety awareness. These statistics and positive attitude
points to the role for a dedicated educative program in the form of
either seminars, workshops, training programs or lectures in the
curriculum to about the appropriateness and risk assessment of
various diagnostic imaging techniques
Although 40.3% of the residents felt that their knowledge and
awareness on radiation safety was sufficient, about 13% wrongly
believed that MRI utilised ionizing radiation, and >80% wrongly
estimated the radiation burden by medical imaging and only 13.4%
knew all the conditions caused by radiation exposure correctly.
Similar results are noted in previous studies, where about 8-28%
participants were unaware that MRI does not emit ionizing radiation.
Although ALARA is the corner stone principle of radiation
safety, 47.3% of the residents had not heard of the concept and were
unaware what it stood for. In a past study conducted in 2015 among
paediatric residents, only 27% of the participants correctly identified
the ALARA principle of radiation protection.[1] Additionally, a study
among healthcare personnel in Thailand reported that 85.5% correctly
identified the ALARA principle, indicating that awareness levels may
vary by region and specific professional training[13]. Majority of the
participants admitted that they did not use proper guidelines to check
for the appropriateness of the requested imaging study and they did
not discuss the risks associated, with the patients before prescribing
it. This shows the need for an awareness program communicating the
various guidelines, consensus and protocols for radiological imaging.
1. Our study emphasises the need for awareness programmes
to bridge the knowledge gap that exists with respect to radiation
safety. Regular refresher courses which can help residents stay
updated about the fast-growing subject maybe be conducted.2. The under-graduate training programme in India should incorporate training in radiology more efficiently and extensively in the curriculum by conducting mandatory radiology lectures and rotation in radiology department.
3. Practicing discussing with patients the risks and benefits of the requesting imaging study, mandating informed consent and educating people about the radiation doses can not only help increase awareness among the patients but also among referring doctors. It also facilitates more mindful decision making by the referring doctor.
4. Formulating standard protocols and guidelines in accordance with the ALARA principles by the Radiology departments and communicating the same with the referring doctors can help keep radiation exposure of both patient and community in check.
Limitations of the Study:
The study population (sample size) was limited to only one
tertiary care hospital hence the generalisation of the results is not
possible. Equal representation of different departments and different
years of experience could not be achieved. Some of the questions
in the questionnaire are self-constructed and hence may restrict
accurate comparison.Conclusion
There is no contention about the usefulness of radiation in
clinical diagnostics today. However, the current study in consensus
with previous similar studies demonstrates that there is lack of
knowledge about radiation exposure and safety practices among the
resident doctors. Inadequate awareness may result in injudicious
use diagnostic radiation, exposing both patients, healthcare workers
and community to unnecessary radiation exposure and thereby
increasing the burden of radiation induced disease conditions.
Bridging the knowledge gap with the help of education programmes
is the need of the hour. Resident doctors being the future referring
doctors are the vital target demographic for implementing educative
programmes, which can ensure mindful use of healthcare resources
and can enhance patient and community safety.