Research Article
Cadmium Toxicity in Drinking Water: A Case Study of Sialkot, Risk Assessment, Cancer Risks, and Public Health Implications
Simran Hameed*
Department of Environmental Sciences, Government College Women University Sialkot, Pakistan
*Corresponding author:Simran Hameed, Department of Environmental Sciences, Government College Women University Sialkot, Pakistan, Email Id:
Article Information: Submission: 22/12/2024; Accepted: 24/01/2025; Published: 28/01/2025
Copyright: © 2025 Hameed S. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Groundwater is the primary source of freshwater, but it is increasingly contaminated due to human activities. In rural areas, fertilizers contribute to water impurities, while in commercial areas, industrial discharge and e-waste dumping cause heavy metal seepage into groundwater. Cadmium and lead, primarily
used in battery manufacturing, are significant pollutants. This study analyzed 20 water samples from Sialkot city, collected from wells, filtered water, and public taps in rural and commercial sites. Cadmium concentrations exceeded the WHO permissible limit of 0.003 mg/L, with levels ranging from 0.004 to 0.7
mg/L, particularly higher in commercial areas due to increased waste dumping. Inefficiency of filtered plants was observed, as cadmium requires activated carbon filters for removal. The unique chemical properties of water allow it to absorb pollutants from its surroundings, resulting in contamination from human,
animal, and biochemical activities. Heavy metals cause severe health issues, including damage to the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, CNS, endocrine glands, kidneys, liver, lungs, and bones. The study highlights the urgent need to identify contamination sources, implement control measures, and create public awareness. Comparative analysis revealed higher pollution levels in commercial areas. Questionnaire responses also indicated historical cases of kidney failure and gallbladder stones among the affected population
Keywords:Chronic Disorder; Hazard Quotient; Lifetime Cancer Risk; Sustainable Developmental Goals
CNS: Central Nervous System;WHO:World Health Organization;
CKD: Chronic kidney disorders;HQ:Hazard quotient;LCR: Lifetime
Cancer Risk;SDG:Sustainable Development Goals
Water is the most fundamental requirement for human, plant, and
animal life and is commonly found from two natural sources: fresh
surface water (lakes and rivers) and groundwater. Groundwater is
obtained from wells and bore wells. The chemical properties of water,
due to its polarization and hydrogen bonds, enable it to suspend,
dissolve, and absorb various substances in natural water. However,
this ability makes it susceptible to pollution from nearby sources,
including human and animal activities, as well as other biochemical
processes [1]. Environmental contamination by toxic substances
is a growing concern for local users. A wide range of pollutants is
constantly introduced into aquatic environments, primarily due to
amplified industrial activity, technological development, growing
human populations, misuse of natural resources, agricultural
practices, and domestic waste runoff. Among these pollutants,
heavy metals are the most hazardous because of their persistent
nature, toxicity, ability to accumulate in organisms, and tendency to
magnify through the food chain. Moreover, they are non-degradable.
Heavy metals cause significant toxicity in humans, damaging the
cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, central nervous system
(CNS), endocrine glands, kidneys, liver, lungs, and bones [1].
Heavy metals such as Cd, arsenic, lead, chromium, copper, and
mercury in drinking water are most often linked to human poisoning.
Some of these metals are essential for life in small amounts, whereas
others have no biological function. However, all are highly toxic in
large doses and are therefore considered environmentally hazardous
substances. Cd is an extremely toxic heavy metal, even in low
concentrations. It leaches into the soil through water and further
bio-accumulates in organisms and ecosystems. Additionally, Cd
has a long biological half-life in the human body, ranging from 10
to 33 years.[2]. Long-term exposure to Cd induces renal damage,
disturbs calcium metabolism in the body, and has been linked to
cases of prostate cancer and lung cancer. Kidney and gallbladder
stones are common results of the long-term intake of contaminated
water. Thus, Cd is considered a priority pollutant from a monitoring
perspective by most countries and international organizations. The
contamination of water is directly related to water pollution; hence,
there is a need to continuously monitor the quality of underground
and surface water sources.
In the kidneys, Cd in complexes with proteins, including
Metallothionein, undergoes glomerular filtration and may be taken
up by the same receptors and transporter systems in cortical and
distal tubules that are involved in the reabsorption of proteins and
nutrients. These may include ZIP8, ZIP10, ZIP14, DMT1, megalin,
hNGAL receptor, TRPV5, and cysteine transporter. Previously,
megalin and cubilin were suggested to mediate endocytosis of filtered
CdMT, but this system exhibits only low affinity for CdMT. Thus, the
role of megalin and cubilin in tubular CdMT uptake is questionable.
To date, the mechanisms for tubular CdMT internalization remain
unresolved [3].
Cadmium is not considered to be redox-sensitive, as it occurs in aqueous solution
Cadmium is not considered to be redox-sensitive, as it occurs in aqueous solution
Almost exclusively in its Cd²+ redox state, although changing
redox conditions control Cd release and retention in aquifers. It is
highly mobile in oxic and acidic waters. Cadmium can form soluble
organic and inorganic complexes, such as CdCl+, CdCl₂⁰, CdSO₄⁰, Cd
(CO₃) ₂²-, and CdOH+, which decrease Cd sorption under anoxic and
more alkaline conditions. To evaluate Cd mobility, it is necessary to
consider the different redox environments in an aquifer, specifically
oxic, suboxic, nitrate-reducing, Mn(IV)reducing, Fe (III)-reducing,
sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions, which depend on
the chemical composition of groundwater, microbially catalyzed
reduction processes, and the behavior of the dominant redox
couples. Hence, in addition to the sole use of redox potential and
pH, microbially induced redox processes in groundwater can provide
indicator parameters for conditions that affect Cd mobility. Iron
and manganese, along with their minerals, play an important role in
environmental biogeochemistry regarding sorption, co-precipitation,
and electron exchange, making them ideal proxies to monitor redox
processes and the mobility of trace metals such as Cd. [4].
Rationale of the Study:
• Development of an understanding of the specific system and
its capability to supply water that meets health-based targets.
• Identification of potential sources of contamination and how
they can be controlled.
• Validation of control measures employed to manage hazards.
• Implementation of a system for monitoring the control
measures within the water system.
• Timely corrective actions to ensure that safe water is
consistently supplied.
• Undertaking verification of drinking water quality to ensure
that the water safety program is being implemented correctly
and is achieving the performance required to meet relevant
national, regional, and local water quality standards or
objectives.Aims and Objectives:
• To confirm the presence of a particular disease (gallbladder
and kidney stones) due to the specific heavy metal (Cd).
• To ensure the contamination of drinking water through
complete sample collection and analysis.
• To conduct training sessions and awareness campaigns
for public health protection, as the suggestions and
recommendations will be meaningful after analysis and results
• To compare the groundwater contamination levels by heavy
metals in rural and urban areas.Problem Statement:
Drinking water contamination increases day by day due to
development (pesticides, fertilizers, and solid waste) and the
industrial revolution. In ancient times, water pollution levels were
lower in remote and rural areas, but now they have increased, leading
to chronic diseases (renal failure, gallbladder stones, stomach issues)
in communities. Therefore, the identification of disease levels and root
causes is necessary for proper recommendations and awareness. After
the analysis, the results will be accurate, and problem characterization
and solutions will be easier.Literature Review
According to a study conducted by Mohammad Raza Jamali et
al., (2014),[5] aluminum (Al) and cadmium (Cd) were determined in
groundwater samples and human health risks associated with elevated
concentrations of toxic metals in dissolved form were assessed using a
novel solid-phase microextraction (SPμE). Groundwater samples (n =
200) and biological samples (blood) from patients with chronic kidney
disorders (CKD), along with healthy control subjects from the same
area (southern part of Pakistan), were collected. The concentration
of extracted analytes was determined by an electrothermal atomic
absorption spectrometer. The influence of different variables on the
extraction efficiency of Cd and Al was optimized. The Al and Cd
concentrations in groundwater were found to be elevated above the
recommended limits by the World Health Organization. A significant
variation in levels of Cd and Al was observed in blood samples of
CKD patients compared to referent subjects (p < 0.01). A strong
positive correlation between Al and Cd levels in groundwater versus
blood samples of CKD patients (r = 0.82–0.85, p < 0.01) was observed,
compared to those values calculated for referent subjects (r = 0.425–
According to Claire de Burbure et al., (2016) [6] study, lead,
cadmium, mercury, and arsenic are common environmental
pollutants in industrialized countries, but their combined impact on
children’s health is little known. The study examined their effects on
two main targets: the renal and dopaminergic systems, in over 800
children during a cross-sectional European survey. Control and
exposed children were recruited from those living around historical
nonferrous smelters in France, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
Children provided blood and urine samples for the determination
of the metals and sensitive renal or neurologic biomarkers. Serum
concentrations of creatinine, cystatin C, and β2-microglobulin
were negatively correlated with blood lead levels (PbB), suggesting
early renal hyperfiltration, which averaged 7% in the upper quartile
of PbB levels (> 55 μg/L; mean, 78.4 μg/L). The urinary excretion
of retinol-binding protein, Clara cell protein, and N-acetyl-β-dglucosaminidase
was associated mainly with cadmium levels in blood
or urine and with urinary mercury. All four metals influenced the
dopaminergic markers serum prolactin and urinary homovanillic
acid, with complex interactions brought to light. Heavy metals
polluting the environment can cause subtle effects on children’s renal
and dopaminergic systems without clear evidence of a threshold,
which reinforces the need to control and regulate potential sources of
contamination by heavy metals.
According to Gunnar F (2017) [7] a study conducted a few years
ago suggested that cadmium was thought by most researchers to be
of toxicological importance only in industry. In the late 1960s, it was
established as the cause of an epidemic of osteomalacia in Japan (Itai-
Itai disease), and recent investigations indicate that it may be causally
associated with an increase in the prevalence of proteinuria in several
areas in Japan where the general environment has been contaminated
by cadmium. The high chronic toxicity of cadmium is explainable on
the basis of its long retention time (biological half-life in the order
of decades) in the human kidney, leading to an accumulation of
cadmium, especially in the renal tubules. This accumulation, when
reaching a level of about 200 μg Cd/g, may cause renal dysfunction.
Based on the experience of the toxicity of cadmium for animals
and humans, a metabolic model has been established describing
the accumulation of cadmium in the kidney, and from this model,
calculations of critical daily intakes through food and inhaled air
have been made. A comparison of these calculated effect values with
existing safety values for industry shows that the latter are far too
Magdalena Mezynska et al., (2018) [8] conducted a study on
the health hazards of cadmium. Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal
belonging to the group of the main chemical pollutants of the natural
and occupational environment in economically developed countries.
The forecasts indicate that contamination of the environment with
this toxic metal, and thus the exposure of the general population, will
increase. Food (particularly plant products) is the main source of t he
general population’s exposure to this element. Recent epidemiological
studies have provided numerous evidences that even low-level
environmental exposure to this toxic metal, nowadays occurring in
numerous economically developed countries, creates a risk for the
health of the general population. Low-level lifetime exposure to this
metal may lead to damage to the kidneys, liver, skeletal system, and
cardiovascular system, as well as deterioration of sight and hearing.
Moreover, it has been suggested that environmental exposure to this
xenobiotic may contribute to the development of cancer of the lung,
breast, prostate, pancreas, urinary bladder, and nasopharynx. Taking
the above into account, the aim of this review article is to draw more
attention to Cd as an environmental risk factor for the health of the
general population and the need to undertake preventive actions to
reduce the risk of health damage due to lifetime exposure to this toxic
The study was performed by Mehdi Qasemi et al., (2019) [9]
to estimate the concentration of cadmium and the health risk to
humans from cadmium through the ingestion of groundwater in
39 rural areas of Gonabad and Bajestan, eastern Iran. The mean
cadmium concentrations in groundwater in the studied rural areas
of Gonabad and Bajestan ranged from 0.087 to 14.32 μg/L and
from 0.417 to 18.36 μg/L, respectively. The health risk quotient for
cadmium contamination for 16% and 38% of children and infants
in rural areas of Gonabad and Bajestan, respectively, was more than
1, which causes non-carcinogenic risk to the local population. The
carcinogenic risk of cadmium in drinking water for adults, children,
and infants in 16%, 33%, and 33% of studied rural areas of Gonabad
and Bajestan, respectively, was higher than the safe limit of 1.0 × 10-⁴.
For rural areas of Bajestan, the cancer risk in 42%, 52%, and 52% of
adults, children, and infants was above the safe limit. It was strongly
suggested that accessible treatment procedures should be taken for
a portion of contaminated rural areas before the distribution of the
groundwater to the local population.
Minhaz Farid Ahmed et al., (2020) [10] reported that toxic Cd
(cadmium) and Cr (chromium) in the aquatic environment mainly
originate from natural sources; however, human activities have
increased their concentrations. Several studies have reported higher
concentrations of Cd and Cr in the aquatic environment of Malaysia;
however, the association between metal ingestion via drinking water
and human health risk has not been established. This study collected
water samples from four stages of the drinking water supply chain
at the Langat River Basin, Malaysia, in 2015 to analyze the samples
by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The mean
concentrations of Cd and Cr, along with the time-series river data
(2004–2014) of these metals, were significantly within the safe limit of
drinking water quality standards proposed by the Ministry of Health
Malaysia and the World Health Organization. Hazard quotient (HQ)
and lifetime cancer risk (LCR) values of Cd and Cr in 2015 and 2020
also indicate no significant human health risk from their ingestion via
drinking water. Additionally, the management of pollution sources
in the Langat Basin from 2004 to 2015 decreased Cr concentration
in 2020 based on the autoregression moving average. Although Cd
and Cr concentrations were found to be within the safe limits at
Langat Basin, high concentrations of these metals have been found
in household tap water, especially due to contamination in the water
distribution pipeline. Therefore, a two-layer water filtration system
should be introduced in the basin to achieve the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 agenda of a better and
more sustainable future for all, especially via SDG 6 of supplying safe
drinking water at the household level.
Study Area:
The study area is situated in Sialkot, Pakistan. This city is
Pakistan’s 13th largest city by population. It is located in northeast
Punjab. It features a humid subtropical climate with four seasons
and an average rainfall of 957.9 mm. The average temperature during
the overall region was between 28°C and 50°C. Risk assessment and
sample collection will be from selected villages and commercial areas
(Kundan Pur and Haripur) in Punjab (Sialkot), Pakistan. The selected
areas’ population of the village is almost 2 lac and the population
of the city and commercial area is a maximum of around 4-5 lakh.
Most people are educated and well aware of the contamination, but
older people still utilize groundwater directly without treatment, and
they suffer from diseases like renal failure and kidney stones. So, the
research will focus on evaluating whether heavy metal (cadmium) is
the cause of the problem. Cadmium is the metal that gradually forms
layers in the renal system, causing kidney stones and gallbladder
issues, as well as stomach infections.Qualitative Survey:
A qualitative survey will be conducted for the development of
the questionnaire and problem identification. The survey will be
done in both urban and rural areas. The questionnaire will be filled
out to ensure that personal observations are clear about the diseases
caused by heavy metals or if the disease has some other root cause.
The questionnaire is comprised of three sections: basic information,
occurrence of diseases based on symptoms, and quality of life. The
study focuses on the identification of behavior and the impact of
selected trace elements on human health. The questions were both
open-ended and close-ended and were part of on-the-spot sessions.
The analysis has been designed based on age groups. According to
personal observations, the community has renal, stomach, and
gallbladder problems, but by filling out the questionnaire, a strong
reason will be developed for analysis and problem solution.Material and Methods
Water quality and contamination level will assess by sample
collection of ground water and filtered water for the comparison and
disease rate evaluation. Samples will be collected from specific study
areas (Kundan Pur and Haripur). Total samples are 20 in number,
Composite samples be analyzed for the results.
Results and Discussions
Basic Parameter Measurements:
Basic parameters should meet the WHO organization limits for
proper healthy drinking water uptake. This study revealed that the
drinking water quality at commercial sites is more degraded due to
industrial discharge and subsequent seepage into the groundwater.
The pH of samples is acidic in industrial areas, and the decrease in
pH and TDS are the main mechanisms causing Cd in the ground
and surface water. On the other hand, the use of fertilizers decreasesacidity, increases alkalinity, and slows down the Cd mechanism
process in the water, reducing further complications and disease
Cadmium presence in the drinking water is more in the city area
se compared to the rural site due to industrialization and the disease
prevalence and death rate is also much more due to Cd deposition in
the body.
Questionnaire Based Results:
• 45% of people have a historical background of family
members who had kidney-related diseases.• 30% of people have information that their family members
had gallbladder stones.
• 50% of people who have diseases are between the ages of 40-
60 because their body organs have specific defense problems
due to age.
• 90% of people use filtered water, but the concern is that the
filters are not activated carbon-based.
• 60% are aware that once a filter plant is installed, it is not
cleaned for several years.
The findings suggest a worrisome connection between heightened
levels of cadmium in the drinking water and the symptoms reported
by the surveyed individuals. In areas designated for commerce,
where cadmium levels surpassed the permissible limits set by the
WHO, a notable percentage of participants disclosed a history of
kidney ailments (45%) and gallbladder stone occurrences (30%)
within their families. These results are consistent with existing
research emphasizing cadmium’s tendency to amass in the kidney
and gallbladder tissues, potentially causing long-term health issues
with prolonged exposure. Moreover, insights from the demographic
study indicate that half of the individuals facing these health concerns
belong to the 40–60 age bracket, indicating a progressive effect of
cadmium toxicity as people age. Additionally, the ineffectiveness
of non-activated carbon filtration systems, employed by 90% of
participants, worsens the issue by failing to adequately eliminate
cadmium. The study also emphasizes how industrialization affects
urban regions, leading to increased cadmium levels from improper
waste disposal. Conversely, rural areas showed marginally lower
cadmium concentrations, yet the application of fertilizers might pose
a risk of gradual groundwater pollution. The necessity for public
awareness initiatives and efficient water purification technologies
is underscored by the prevalence of these health concerns and the
elevated levels of cadmium identified. It is imperative to implement
routine filtration plant upkeep and integrate activated carbon systems
to reduce cadmium exposure and associated health hazards.
In conclusion, the present research revealed that the drinking
water samples contain Cd concentrations higher than the permissible
limit set by the World Health Organization (2011). Most of the
underground water samples were at the populace level and were not
recommended for drinking purposes. The contamination results
indicate that a major proportion of the populace is at significant
risk of Cd toxicity, as the water samples from the commercial and
rural sites were highly polluted by the metal. The overall heavy metal
pollution situation is at an alarming stage. People may suffer serious
health risks due to drinking water with high concentrations of heavy
metals. These metals may have physiological effects on the kidney,
digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, and various
other organs and systems in the body. Therefore, it is necessary
to regularly monitor the toxicity and quality of the water system.
Wastewater should be treated before being discharged into water
To conduct targeted awareness campaigns for communities,
especially focusing on middle-class families with limited
access to education, and emphasize the dangers of small
contaminants that may not be visible to the naked eye,
particularly heavy metals like cadmium.
• To organize special sessions for vulnerable groups, such as
the elderly and low-income families, to raise awareness about
water contamination risks and the importance of regular
maintenance of water filtration systems.
• To educate the community about the potential dangers of
expired or poorly maintained water filters and highlight
that filters can become ineffective if not replaced or cleaned
regularly, as their membranes may get clogged with
contaminants over time.
• To encourage the installation of activated carbon and reverse
osmosis filters, which have proven effectiveness in removing
heavy metals from drinking water. These systems should be
regularly maintained for optimal performance.
• To prioritize solid waste management strategies to prevent
the seepage of cadmium and other heavy metals into
groundwater, particularly through the improper disposal of
e-waste. Proper recycling and disposal systems for electronic
waste (e-waste) should be implemented in communities to
minimize environmental contamination.
• To promote the reuse and recycling of e-waste to reduce
cadmium deposition in the environment and the human
body, encouraging both manufacturers and consumers to
participate in sustainable waste management practices.
To engage local community leaders to lead the efforts in
educating and motivating others to actively participate in
proper waste disposal, water purification, and regular testing
of water quality.
• To use data from the study to reinforce the importance of
implementing these measures to reduce the health risks
associated with heavy metal exposure.Questionnaire:
Demographic Questions
1. What is your name? …………………………
2. Gender of respondent?.......................................
Male Female
3. What is your age? ……………………………
4. Location/ Address ……………………………
5. What is your education ………………………
Sources of Drinking Water
Which of the following sources of drinking water are available
in your neighborhood?(Multiple responses are possible)
• Bore well/ hand pump
• Public tap
• Community well
• Household water supply (piped)
• Other
Which of the following sources of drinking water does your
household use? (Multipleresponses are possible)
• Bore well/ hand pump
• Public tap
• Community well
• Household water supply (piped)
• Other
What you noticed about the physical parameters of drinking
• Acceptable
• Rejection able
How many times filtration plant clean up in the year
• Once
• More time
• Measuring values meet up with the WHO
• Yes
• No
Disease prevalence
Do you have any patient in the family history about these
certain diseases?
• Kidney stone/Kidney failure
• Gallbladder stone
• Liver and lungs related diseases
Do your society have any dead patient of certain disease in
social circuit?
• Yes
• No
What was the age of patients
• 10-30
• 30-40
• 40-60
E-Waste dump in the sites
• Yes
• NO
Fertilizer used in the field
• Maximum
• Minimum